Welcome to Join Us!
Formosa Toastmasters Club (福爾摩莎國際英文演講會) is an International Toastmasters Club located in Taiwan, District 67.

目前分類:Educational Training Programs 教育訓練課程 (5)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Dear friends,

I have been invited to give a 2 hour presentation in English on Social Life in Taipei (including Toastmasters, English luncheon, Taipei International Women's Club, etc. Hope to see some of you there to support the Toastmasters movement.




Gordon Brooks



See more information at http://www.5070.com.tw/EDM/5070EDM/20100630.html


Gordon Brooks' Training 

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2010-04-10 Division A New Member Orientation.jpg 

Fellow Toastmasters Members,

I’m sure a lot of clubs have recruited new members by now, and our new members would like to know more about this organization and how it would benefit them in the long run. Division A is going to hold a New Member Orientation on April 10, Saturday afternoon at Tatung University.  Following Toastmasters’ spirit of sharing, we welcome members from other Divisions to join us as well.  We have a strong team of trainers who are eager to share their knowledge and enthusiasm with new members.  With their vigorous and lively educational presentation, new members will find that Toastmasters is really fun to stay at. 

 As our District Governor James Lin set it, “Dig More, Reap More!”   Let our new members know how can they reap out of Toastmasters! 


For the members who are interested in this training, please kindly register to Wini Kao chuiweio@hotmail.com

Amanda Uy, ACB, CL
2009-2010 Area A2 Governor


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* Below info. is from: http://www.toastmasters.org.tw/d67web/ch/activity/98/981227.htm

日期: 98 年 12月 27 日(星期日 )   13:00-17:00
地點: 台北市中山區中山北路三段40號  大同大學 教室 B203, B205  
費用: 每人100元、學生50元、大同大學學生免費
登記: Div. C: Jo Shih, joshih9@gmail.com, 0933-920-632;
Div. H: May Tang, aaikea@yahoo.com.tw,
Div. G: Richard Yu, hsiaofeng7048@yahoo.com.tw, 0911-319-604
備註: 各會會長、教育副會長請在12月20日前向所屬分部報名
語言: 英文為主




時間 內容 主持人
12:30 Registration & Reception 註冊報到 C: Matilda Huang & Sabrina Hsu H: Joyce Lee & Jimmy Chang G: Fanny Chang & Rosa Lee
13:00 Training hosts opening remarks & welcome 開場暨致歡迎詞 Peter Tzeng, ACS, CL Eveline Tang, ACG, CL Tony Lee, ACB, CL
13:10 Training master opening 幹部訓練主持人開場 James Hwang, ACL, CL

Leadership Excellence Series 卓越領導系列

13:15 (1)(1)Review & Recap Current DCP Progress for each club          檢視現有分會的DCP進展 Y.S. Liao, DTM
13:35 (2)Successful Club Operation          如何有個成功的分會運作 Peter Tzeng, ACS, CL
13:55 (3)Advance & CL Manuals Sue Chien, DTM
14:15 (4)  Discussion & Sharing          討論分享與實作 Y.S. Liao, DTM Peter Tzeng, ACS, CL Sue Chien, DTM
14:45 Intermission (Social Time and Enjoy Refreshments)  
15:05 Achieving success as club officers / Group Discussions and Reports 如何做好每一位成功的分會幹部分組討論、分享和實作報告  
  President group 會長組 V.P.E. group 教育副會長組 V.P.M. group 會員副會長組 V.P.P.R. group 公關副會長組 Secretary group 秘書長組 Treasurer group 財務長組 S.A.A. group 事務長組 Justice Liao, ACS, CL Eveline Tang, ACG, CL Ron Chen, Jenny Tseng Su Yuan Jo Shih, ATMB, CL King Lee, ACB, CL Kendrick Huang, CTM, CL
1610 Group Discussion Reports 各組報告 James Hwang, ACL, CL
1650 Awards,Certificates,&Comments 頒發證書 All Div. Governors
1700 Training Adjourned 訓練結束


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Dear Officers:


Please reserve Dec. 27 afternoon for 2nd Club Officer Training and the venue is at 大同 University.

The more details will be forwarded after receiving the information from our H governor.   


Please attend the training because this is the opportunity to get a score for Distinguished Club Program award.



Thank you for your support.  







*Above is quoted from President Libby's email dated 091205.

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