Welcome to Join Us!
Formosa Toastmasters Club (福爾摩莎國際英文演講會) is an International Toastmasters Club located in Taiwan, District 67.

目前分類:Meeting Date 開會日期 (4)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Dear all,

The first meeting in 2013 is on Jan. 10th!

The other meeting in Jan. is on Jan. 24th.

The venue is at 台北馬偕醫院平安樓15樓階梯講堂.

 As usual, admission free!! 免入場費!! Welcome to join us!! ^0^

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Dear family and friends,

We are going to have a warm Christmas Party on Dec. 25th. This is the last meeting of the year!! Wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! See you on Dec. 25th.


Party includes: (English only)

1.     Christmas Programs 溫馨的聖誕節節目

2.     Desserts and drink  聖誕愛宴 (會上提供)

3.     Lucky draw prizes  尾牙摸彩 (7-11禮券300,200, 100元等禮物喔!!)

If you would like to provide the presents are all welcomed. 要提供聖誕禮物的也歡迎喔!!



Time: 19:00-21:15 (Free免費入場)


Venue: 台北馬偕平安樓15F



Best regards,


President of Formosa


Wini Kao


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Dear all,

本月例會是第二週和第三週喔!! Our meetings in November are Nov. 13th and 20th. The venue on Nov. 13th is at 台北馬偕醫院平安樓15樓階梯講堂. The venue on Nov. 20th is at 台北馬偕醫院福音樓9樓第一講堂 since we have a VIP guest for the keynote speech!! As usual, admission free!! 免入場費!! Welcome to join us!! ^0^


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Formosa Toastmasters Club

Meeting No. 395!
7 p.m. March 27th, 2012

2nd Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Gospel Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital
No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei  (ShuangLian MRT) 
台北市中山北路馬偕醫院福音樓(舊大樓) 9樓第二講堂 (近捷運雙連站)
As Always: No Admission Fee for Anybody!!
如往常, 任何來賓皆  無入場費!

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