Welcome to Join Us!
Formosa Toastmasters Club (福爾摩莎國際英文演講會) is an International Toastmasters Club located in Taiwan, District 67.

目前分類:Special Events 特別活動 (4)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Toastmasters District 67 出現在 2008年八月號經理人雜誌的專題報導!(註一)

* Photo taken on 2008/07/22 Demo Meeting for the inverview of 經理人雜誌 *080722DemoMeeting大合照

Formosa Toastmasters Club(FTC)
held a Demo Meeting
for the interview from 經理人雜誌
on July 22, 2008!

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Dear all,

Dr. Dilip is going to have a keynote speech in Formosa Toastmasters club on Tuesday night. As usual, admission free. You are always welcome to join us.

Time: 7-9pm

Date: Nov. 20th

Venue:台北馬偕醫院福音樓9F第一講堂(near MRT 雙連Station)

For the keynote speaker’s information, please refer to:


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● 時間 / 地點 / 節目內容:
   請詳 2009-12-22 Formosa Toastmasters Club Meeting Agenda No. 343

● 以下announcements分別來自 FTC 的
   Treasurer(財務長) Lisa & VPE(教育副會長) Raymond 的 emails:

*** QUOTED from Raymond's Email dated 091215:

Dear fellow members,

Do remember that our X'mas Party is on 12/22, from 7p.m to 9p.m.,
and please announce this news to your family or friends and welcome them to join us.

Raymond Tsai



*** QUOTED from Lisa's Email dated 091216:

Dear all,

Dec. 22, 2009我們大伙要合唱平安夜這首曲子,
將採用Susan Boyle版本聯結及歌詞如下:



Silent Night
Silent night, holy night!

All is calm, all is bright.

Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child.

Holy infant so tender and mild,

Sleep in heavenly peace,

Sleep      in heavenly peace.

Silent night, holy night!

Shepherds quake at the sight.

Glories stream    from heaven afar

Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia,

Christ the Savior is born! (結尾音調上揚)

Christ the Savior is born.  (結尾音調往下調)

 (第三段: 大合唱,聲音強f)
Silent night, holy night!

All is calm, all is bright

Round you Virgin        Mother and Child

Holy Infant         so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep       in heavenly peace  (聲音漸慢rit.)



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