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Formosa Toastmasters Club (福爾摩莎國際英文演講會) is an International Toastmasters Club located in Taiwan, District 67.

目前分類:Table Topics Questions 即席演講考古題 (3)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

2009-08-11 Table Topics Master: Letitia Liao


1.    If enough to build whatever you want, but you are just allowed to build one building for just one kind of use , what will you build there? and Why?  (Michael Liang)

2.    Everyone has a last wish before saying goodbye to life. Please imagine that if you will pass away tomorrow, what is your last wish?  (Justin)

3.    Dreams usually come into people’s brains when sleeping. Do you believe that our dreams can foresee some future events?  (Raymond Tsai)

4.    In our life we have many things lead us crazy. For example, people who cough in your face or People who look straight to you. In your life, what is the thing you find most annoying? and how do you deal with it?  (Sandy)

5.    Supposing that you buy a so-called mini pig as a pet from night market, but it becomes a giant pig when grow-up. What will   you do?  (Odria)

6.    The length of life cannot be predicted. But, please imagine that how would life be if everyone knows on what date he will die?  (Nora)

7.    If God asks you to make 3 wishes, what will you wish?

8.   Superman has strong power and can fly swiftly; Spiderman can climb like a spider. If you can have a Supernatural Power, what power do you want to have? you are given a large fortune of money and a piece of land which is large


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2009-07-28 Table Topics Master: Lisa Lu        


Q1: What's the best Christmas party you can imagine?  (Scott Weaver)
Q2: If you want to earn 10 million dollars, how will you make it? (Kevin)
Q3: If you could be a superhero, which special power would you want to have? (Dr. Shane)
Q4: What's the best way to cool off on a hot day? (Marian)
Q5: What's your favorite board game?  (Justin)
Q6: What family or school rule would you like to change the most? (Regina)
Q7: What's the first thing you usually do when you get home from a trip? (Letitia)
Q8: What's the most beautiful place you have ever seen? (Tammie)

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2008-07-22 Table Topics Master: Wini Kao, ACB, CL




1.       How long have you joined Toastmasters Club and how Toastmasters colors your life? (Luna)

I would like to ask Luna to answer this question. Let’s welcome ~ ~


2.     If you won the lottery of two million U.S. dollars, how will you speed it?

( Wait! The numbers are wrong, actually you get nothing. Please tell us your feeling now? ) (Sherry)


3.     Scientists said human may live in the outer space, so if you have the chance to live in Mars for one year, who is the person that you want to go with? (guest- John)

(A big applause)


4.     If there is ET in our real world, do you consider chartering an ET Toastmasters club? (L.J. Lamb)

Don’t worry, Mike! I will not ask you this question!


5.     (Doraemon’s music) If Doraemon sent you a “Time Machine”, and the Time Machine can bring you to your past? Which age do you want to go back and why? (Any Volunteers?)


6.     If you won the Champion of a speech contest, what will you say? (Gordan)

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