Welcome to Join Us!
Formosa Toastmasters Club (福爾摩莎國際英文演講會) is an International Toastmasters Club located in Taiwan, District 67.

目前分類:Agenda 議程表 (39)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
TIME: 19:00-21:10 February 9th, 2010 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)  
VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital  
  No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)  
  台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)  
TME: Wini Kao, ACS, AL Theme: Sweet Memories in 2009  
Agenda of Meeting No.346
Time Program February 9, 2010 Mentor
18:50 Registration    
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Freyja Liang  
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction Assam Chen, ACB, CL  
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Wini Kao, ACS, AL  
  Timer Lisa Lu  
  Ah Counter Nancy Tsai Jessica Lin
  Vote Counter & Board Writer Sophia Yang Edward Chen
19:20 Joke Session Pettitte Chu Assam Chen
19:30 Prepared  Speech Session Wini Kao, ACS, AL  
(5-7') C6: Three Wishes Ruby Yang Wini Kao
(5-7') C8: Get Comfortable with Visual Aids Tammie Yang Peggy Chang
(5-8'+5') A26: Briefing of Kenda Group Linker Lin, Legacy TMC  
(15-20') Keynote Speech - ASA and I Lucy Shih  
20:15 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
20:25 Table Topics Session Sue Chen, CTM  
20:35 Evaluation Session - General Evaluator Edward Chen, DTM  
  *Timer Report    
(2-3') C6: Vocal Variety Jessica Lin, CC  
(2-3') C8: Get Comfortable with Visual Aids Shane Lin, ACS, CL  
(2-3') A26: Speeches by Management - The Briefing Marian Hsiao, DTM  
(5-6') General Evaluator Wini Kao, ACS, CL  
(5-6') Language Evaluator Peggy Chang, CTM, CL  
  *Ah Counter Report    
  Quiz Time    
20:55 Closing Remarks/Award Presentation Assam Chen, ACB, CL President
21:00 Officer Report    
21:05 Meeting Adjournment    

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* 以下議程表草稿(draft of agenda) is quoted from VPE Raymond's email
   dated Jan. 20, 2009.   Finalized agenda
已確認不變的資訊為:會議時間(Time).會場地點(Venue) ***

TIME: 19:00-21:10 January 26th, 2010 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)
VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital
  No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)
  台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
  TME: Coral Lee   Theme: 
Agenda of Meeting No.345
Time Program January 26, 2010
18:50 Registration  
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Freyja Liang
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction Assam Chen, ACB, CL
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Coral Lee
  Timer Clair Liaw
  Ah Counter Freyja Liang
  Vote Counter & Board Writer Letitia Liao
19:20 Joke Session Lisa Lu
19:50 Prepared  Speech Session Coral Lee
(5-7') C4: Elephants are amazing Sandy Cheng
(5-7') A2:  Jessica Lin
(5-7') A12: Face behind the mask Assam Chen, ACB, CL
19:55 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
20:10 Table Topics Session Ruby Yang
20:25 Evaluation Session - General Evaluator Michael Liang, CTM, CL
  *Timer Report  
(2-3') C4: How to Say It Ellen Lin, CC
(2-3') A2:  Wendy Lin, CC
(2-3') A12: Interpretive Reading - Reading a Story Marian Hsiao, DTM
(5-6') General Evaluator Michael Liang, CTM, CL
(5-6') Language Evaluator Peggy Chang, CTM, CL
  *Ah Counter Report  
  Quiz Time  
20:45 Closing Remarks/Award Presentation Assam Chen, ACB, CL
20:50 Officer Report  
20:55 Meeting Adjournment  


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* 以下議程表草稿(draft of agenda) is quoted from VPE Raymond's email
   dated Jan. 9, 2009.   Finalized agenda
已確認不變的資訊為:會議時間(Time).會場地點(Venue) ***


19:00-21:10   January 12, 2010 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)

VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital  
  No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei (No Admission Fee)  
  台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
    TME: Kevin Yeh, CC Theme: Health  
Agenda of Meeting No.344
Time Program January 12, 2010 Mentor
18:50 Registration    
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Freyja Liang  
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction Assam Chen, ACB, CL  
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Kevin Yeh, CC  
  Timer Sandy Cheng  
  Ah Counter Crystal Chen  
  Vote Counter & Board Writer ViVi Lin  
19:20 Joke Session Sue Chen  
19:30 Prepared  Speech Session Kevin Yeh, CC  
(5-7') C2: Organize Your Speech Clair Liaw  
(5-7') A: Assam Chen, ACB, CL  
19:55 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Intermission & Social Time ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
20:10 Table Topics Session Freyja Liang  
20:20 Evaluation Session - General Evaluator Ellen Lin, CC  
  *Timer Report    
(2-3') C2: Organize Your Speech Tammie Yang  
(2-3') A:  Wendy Lin, CC  
(5-6') General Evaluator Ellen Lin, CC  
(5-6') Language Evaluator Edward Chen, DTM  
  *Ah Counter Report    
  Quiz Time    
20:45 Closing Remarks/Award Presentation Assam Chen, ACB, CL Acting President
20:50 Officer Report    
20:55 Meeting Adjournment    


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* 以下議程表草稿(draft of agenda) is quoted from VPE Raymond's email
   dated Oct. 23, 2009.   Finalized agenda
已確認不變的資訊為:會議時間(Time).會場地點(Venue) ***

  TIME: 19:00-21:10 December 22, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)  
    VENUE: 2st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital  
      No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)  
      台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第二講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
    TME: Marian Hsiao, DTM Theme: X'mas Party
                                                     Agenda of Meeting No.343
Time Program December 22, 2009  
18:50 Registration    
19:05 Call the Meeting to Order Freyja Liang  
19:08 Welcome Guests/Self Introduction Libby Chuang, ACB, CL  
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Marian Hsiao, DTM  
  Timer Coral Lee  
Show Time  
19:20 Warm Up Your Body Pettitte Zhu  
19:30 Drama: Georage & Mary Kevin Yeh
Lawrence Huang
Jessica Lin
Raymond Tsai
19:45 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Dessert & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥  
20:05 It's Fun Time! Ruby Yang  
20:15 Crazy Puzzles Lotus Wu
20:25 Harmonica Solo Edward Chen, DTM  
20:35 Move Your Body! Wini Kao,ACS, AL  
20:50 Sing in Chorus Lisa Lu  
21:00 Closing Remarks/Award Presentation President  
21:05 Officer Report    
21:10 Meeting Adjournment    
  President: Libby Chuang, ACB, CL   Chater President:  Richie Chan, CTM    
  IPP:  Assam Chen, ACB, CL   Honorary PR:  Gordon Brooks    
  VPE:  Raymond Tsai, CC   Secretary:  Jessica Lin, CC    
  VPM:  Ida Lin, CC   Treasurer:  Lisa Lu    
  VPPR:  Wini Kao, ACS, AL   SAA:  Freyja Liang    


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* 以下議程表草稿(draft of agenda) is quoted from VPE Raymond's email
   dated Dec. 7, 2009.   Finalized agenda
已確認不變的資訊為:會議時間(Time).會場地點(Venue) ***


TIME: 19:00-21:10 December 8th, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)
VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital
  No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)
  台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
TME: Jessica Lin, CC   Theme:   
Sentence a day : Patience Is The Companion of Wisdom
Agenda of Meeting No.342
Time Program December 8, 2009
18:50 Registration  
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Freyja Liang
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction Libby Chuang, ACB, CL
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Jessica Lin, CC
  Timer Sue Chen, CTM
  Ah Counter Clair Liaw
  Vote Counter & Board Writer Raymond Tsai, CC
19:20 Joke Session Sandy Cheng
19:30 Prepared  Speech Session Jessica Lin, CC
(5-7') C8: All That Glitters Is Not Gold C8: Lotus Wu
(8-10') C10: Toastmasters in your life C10: Kevin Yeh
(5-7') A2: An Interesting Story A2: Michael Liang
20:00 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
20:10 Table Topics Session Crystal Chen
20:20 Evaluation Session - General Evaluator Edward Chen, DTM
  *Timer Report  
(2-3') C8: Get Comfortable with Visual Aids Nora Liu, CC
(2-3') C10: Inspire Your Audience Peggy Chang, CTM, CL
(2-3') A3: Humorously Speaking - Make Them Laugh Marian Hsiao, DTM
(5-6') General Evaluator Edward Chen, DTM
(5-6') Language Evaluator Assam Chen, ACB, CL
  *Ah Counter Report  
  Quiz Time  
(8-10') 2009 Conference Awards  
20:45 Closing Remarks/Award Presentation Libby Chuang, ACB, CL
20:50 Officer Report  
20:55 Meeting Adjournment  


***quoted from President(會長) Libby's email dated Dec. 6, 2009:


Dear all:


Although learning public speech is no short cut, the patience will be one of factors to reach the goal quickly.   


Please attend the meeting and let us sharing the opinions about 'Patience is the companion of wisdom.'



After the exciting 2009 conference, we really experienced and learned some techniques from outstanding contestants in which can be benefits our further improvement.  If you didn’t attend the conference, you can borrow the 2009 fall conference DVD for viewing.


See you


Libby Chuang






***quoted from VPE(教育副會長) Raymond's email dated Dec. 7, 2009:


Dear fellow members,
      Attached is the final agnda. Please take a look.
      This time, we are going to have three speakers. Lotus will deliver her C8 speech, and her speech title is "All That Glitters Is Not Gold". Kevin will bring his C10 speech(Wow! It means that he will get the CC degree!!), and his speech title is "Toastmasters in Your Life". And our past present, Michael, will bring a humorous speech, "An Interesting Story".
      Beside, congratulate Assam, Edward, Peggy and Wini. Because of their oustanding performance and great contrubution to District, they were awarded by District in the Fall-convention. Although they have been awarded by the District, it is not enough for our club. So we space a period of time to ask them to say something to us, and we can share their happiness and experience.
      Please do not miss the meeting on 12/8.
Assam: President's Distinguished Club Award (10 points)
Edward: District Parliamentarian Award
Peggy: District Translation Committee Chair Award
Wini: Area Governor of the year
Raymond Tsai




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* 以下議程表草稿(draft of agenda) is quoted from VPE Raymond's email
   dated Nov. 23, 2009.   Finalized agenda
已確認不變的資訊為:會議時間(Time).會場地點(Venue) ***


TIME: 19:00-21:10 November 24th, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)
VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital
  No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)
  台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
TME: Henry Chang, CTM   Theme: 
Sentence a day : Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still
Agenda of Meeting No.341
Time Program November 24, 2009
18:50 Registration  
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Freyja Liang
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction Libby Chuang, ACB, CL
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Henry Chang, CTM
  Timer Letitia Liao
  Ah Counter Raymond Tsai, CC
  Vote Counter & Board Writer Ruby Yang
19:20 Joke Session Tammie Yang
19:30 Prepared  Speech Session Henry Chang, CTM
(5-7') C3: My Meow Mao C3: Justin Liu
(5-7') C5: A Cherry Blossom Dream C5: Lisa Lu
(5-7') C7: Research Your Topic C7: Coral Lee
20:00 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
20:10 Table Topics Session Sandy Cheng
20:20 Evaluation Session - General Evaluator Gordon Brooks
  *Timer Report  
(2-3') C3: Get to the Point Jessica Lin, CC
(2-3') C5: Your Body Speaks Shane Lin, ATM-B, CL
(2-3') C7: Research Your Topic Edward Chen, DTM
(5-6') General Evaluator Gordon Brooks
(6-8') Language Evaluator Marian Hsiao, DTM
  *Ah Counter Report  
  Quiz Time  
20:45 Closing Remarks/Award Presentation Libby Chuang, ACB, CL
20:50 Officer Report  
20:55 Meeting Adjournment  


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* 以下議程表草稿(draft of agenda) is quoted from VPE Raymond's email
   dated Nov. 9, 2009.   Finalized agenda
已確認不變的資訊為:會議時間(Time).會場地點(Venue) ***


  TIME: 19:00-21:10 November 10th, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)
  VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital
    No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)
    台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
  TME: Lotus Wu   Theme: Mad Cow Disease
Sentence a day : We can because we think we can
Agenda of Meeting No.340      
Time  Program November 10, 2009
18:50  Registration  
19:00  Call the Meeting to Order Freyja Liang
19:01  Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction Libby Chuang, ACB, CL
19:10  TME Introducing the Program Lotus Wu
   Timer Jessica Lin, CC
   Ah Counter ViVi Lin
   Vote Counter & Board Writer Raymond Tsai, CC
19:20  Joke Session Crystal Chen
19:30  Prepared  Speech Session Lotus Wu
(4-6')  C1: The Ice Breaker C1: Tammie Yang
(5-7')  C5: The Late Bloomer C5: Ruby Yang

 Special Program: 2009 Toastmasters Internation

Edward Chen, DTM
20:00 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
20:10  Table Topics Session Clair Liaw
20:20  Evaluation Session - General Evaluator Lisa Lu
   *Timer Report  
(2-3')  C1: The Ice Breaker Shane Lin, ATM-B, CL
(2-3')  C5: Your Body Speaks Wini Kao, ACS, CL
(5-6')  General Evaluator Lisa Lu
(6-8')  Language Evaluator Marian Hsiao, DTM
   *Ah Counter Report  
   Quiz Time  
20:45  Closing Remarks/Award Presentation Libby Chuang, ACB, CL
20:50  Officer Report  
20:55  Meeting Adjournment  


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* 以下議程表草稿(draft of agenda) is quoted from VPE Raymond's email
   dated Oct. 23, 2009.   Finalized agenda
已確認不變的資訊為:會議時間(Time).會場地點(Venue) ***




19:00-21:10 October 27th, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)


1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital


No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)


台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)


TME: Peggy Chang, CTM,CL



Sentence a day : Experience is the teacher of all things


Agenda of Meeting No.339



October 27, 2009





Call the Meeting to Order

Freyja Liang


Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction

Libby Chuang, ACB, CL


TME Introducing the Program

Peggy Chang, CTM,CL



Clair Liaw


Ah Counter

Tammie Yang


Vote Counter & Board Writer

Cerita Liao


Variety Session

Lisa Lu


Prepared  Speech Session

Peggy Chang, CTM,CL


C1: The Ice Breaker

C1:Crystal Chen



C5: Ruby Yang



A1: Raymond Tsai, CC


Special Program: Convention Promotion

Libby Chuang, ACB, CL


‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥


Table Topics Session

Coral Lee


Evaluation Session - General Evaluator

Lawrence Huang


*Timer Report



C1: The Ice Breaker

Jessica Lin, CC


C5: Your Body Speaks

Marian Hsiao, DTM


A1:Interpretive Reading - Read A Story

Wini Kao, ACS, CL





General Evaluator

Lawrence Huang


Language Evaluator

Edward Chen, DTM


*Ah Counter Report



Quiz Time



Closing Remarks/Award Presentation

Libby Chuang, ACB, CL


Officer Report



Meeting Adjournment




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* 以下議程表草稿(draft of agenda) is quoted from VPE Raymond's email
   dated Oct. 13, 2009.   Finalized agenda
已確認不變的資訊為:會議時間(Time).會場地點(Venue) ***


TIME: 19:00-21:10 October 13, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)
VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital
  No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)
  台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
In-House Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contest
Agenda of Meeting No.338
Time Program October 13, 2009
18:50 Registration Letitia Liao
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Freyja Liang
19:01 Opening Remarks / Contest Chair Libby Chuang, ACB, CL
  Introduction of the Program / Contest Master Marian Hsiao, DTM
  Timer Lisa Lu, Crystal Chen
  Vote Counter Ruby Yang, Sandy Cheng
  SAA for Evaluation Contest Clair Liaw, Libby Chuang
19:10 Contest Master of Humorous Speech Contest Marian Hsiao, DTM
19:15 Contest Rules Briefing / Chief Judge Sue Chien, DTM, China TMC
  Lawrence Huang Lawrence Huang
  Assam Chen, ACB, CL Assam Chen, ACB, CL
  God and Edward Edward Chen, DTM
19:35 Guests Introduction Libby Chuang, ACB, CL
19:40 ‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
  Draw Speech Order (Evaluation Speech Contest)
19:55 Contest Master of Evaluation Contest Sue Chen, CTM
20:00 Contest Rules Briefing / Chief Judge Sue Chien, DTM, China TMC
20:05 Target Speaker TBA
20:12 Contestants
(1 min silence between each contestants)
Coral Lee
  Lawrence Huang
  Pettitte Chu
  Kevin Yeh
  Michael Liang, CTM, CL
  Jessica Lin, CC
  Peggy Chang, CTM, CL
  David Chuang, CTM
  Mirabella Chen, CC
  Assam Chen, ACB, CL
  Wini Kao, ACS, CL
  Shane Lin, ATM-B, CL
  Edward Chen, DTM
20:45 Chief Judge's Comments Sue Chien, DTM, China TMC
20:48 Closing Comments & Awards presentations. Libby Chuang, ACB, CL
20:55 Officer Report  
21:00 Meeting Adjournment  
  Minutes Writer  
  Oct. 24, 2009: Area H2 Humorous Speech Contest and Evaluation Contest
  Nov. 14, 2009: Division H Humorous Speech Contest and Evaluation Contest


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  TIME: 19:00-21:10 September 22th, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)  
    VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital  
      No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)  
      台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
    TME:      Theme:   
Sentence a day : 
Agenda of Meeting No.337
Time Program September 22, 2009 Mentor
18:50 Registration    
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Freyja Liang  
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction Libby Chuang, ACB, CL  
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Marian Hsiao, DTM  
  Timer Crystal Chen  
  Ah Counter Cerita Liao  
  Vote Counter & Board Writer Ruby Yang  
19:20 Joke Session Raymand Tsai, CC  
19:30 Prepared  Speech Session Marian Hsiao, DTM  
(4-6') C1: The Ice Breaker C1: Clair Liaw  
(4-6') C1: The Ice Breaker C1: Tammie Yang  
(5-7') C6: Vocal Variety C6: Lawrence Huang

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  TIME: 19:00-21:10 September 8th, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)  
    VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital  
      No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)  
      台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
    TME: Pettitte Zhu   Theme:   
Sentence a day : Nothing happens until I make it happen
Agenda of Meeting No.334
Time Program September 8, 2009 Mentor
18:50 Registration    
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Freyja Liang  
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction Libby Chuang, ACB, CL  
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Pettitte Zhu  
  Timer Flora Sun  
  Ah Counter Charlie Chen, CC  
  Vote Counter & Board Writer Crystal Chen  
19:30 Joke Session Vivi Lin  
19:40 Prepared  Speech Session Pettitte Zhu  
(5-7') C2:  C2: Freyja Liang  
(5-7') C9: To Be Parents C9: Kevin Yeh  
(5-7') A14: A14: Shane Lin, ACB, CL  
20:00 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
20:10 Table Topics Session Wini Kao, ACS, AL  
20:20 Evaluation Session - General Evaluator Lotus Wu  
  *Timer Report    
(2-3') C2: Organize Your Speech Nora Liu, CC  
(2-3') C9: Persuade with Power Assam Chen, ACB, CL  
(2-3') A14: The Coach Edward Chen, DTM  
(5-6') General Evaluator Lotus Wu  
(6-8') Language Evaluator Libby Chuang, ACB, CL  
  *Ah Counter Report    
  Quiz Time    
20:45 Closing Remarks/Award Presentation Libby Chuang, ACB, CL President
20:50 Officer Report    
20:55 Meeting Adjournment    
  President: Libby Chuang, ACB, CL   Chater President:  Richie Chan, CTM
  IPP:  Assam Chen, ACB, CL     Honorary PR:  Gordon Brooks  
  VPE:  Raymond Tsai, CC     Secretary:  Jessica Lin, CC  
  VPM:  Ida Lin, CC     Treasurer:  Lisa Lu 0910-355-941
  VPPR:  Wini Kao, ACS, CL     SAA:  Freyja Liang 0920-090-680

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Dear fellow members and guests,

Here is the drafted agenda on August 25th. Please take a look. Welcome to join us!


Raymond Tsai
Vice President of Education (2009-2010)

Formosa Toastmasters Club


  TIME: 19:00-21:10 August 25th, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)
VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital
      No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)
台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
    TME: Lisa Lu Theme: Variety Is The Spice of Life
   Sentence a day : Positive attitudes create a chain reaction of positive thoughts
Agenda of Meeting No.334
Time Program August 25, 2009 Mentor
18:50 Registration    
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Freyja Liang  
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction Libby Chuang, ACB, CL  
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Lisa Lu Irene Chen, CTM
  Timer Clair Liaw Wini Kao
  Ah Counter ViVi Lin Lotus Wu
  Vote Counter & Board Writer Freyja Liang Wini Kao
19:20 Joke Session Sandy Cheng Jessica Lin
19:30 Table Topics Session Raymond Tsai, CC  
19:40 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
19:50 Prepared  Speech Session Lisa Lu  
(5-7') C6: Vocal Variety C6: Julia Wu, Legacy TMC  
(5-7') C7: Research Your Topic C7: Coral Lee  
(5-7') C7: Research Your Topic C7: Pettitte Chu Assam Chen
(5-7') A7:  A7: Peggy Chang, CTM,CL  
20:20 Evaluation Session - General Evaluator Wini Kao, ACS, CL  
  *Timer Report    
(2-3') C6: Vocal Variety Edward Chen, DTM  
(2-3') C7: Research Your Topic Assam Chen, ACB, CL  
(2-3') C7: Research Your Topic Ida Lin, CC  
(2-3') A7:  Shane Lin, ATM-B, CL  
(5-6') General Evaluator Wini Kao, ACS, CL  
(6-8') Language Evaluator Marian Hsiao, DTM  
  *Ah Counter Report    
  Quiz Time    
20:45 Closing Remarks/Award Presentation Libby Chuang, ACB, CL President
20:50 Officer Report    
20:55 Meeting Adjournment    
  President: Libby Chuang, ACB, CL   Chater President:  Richie Chan, CTM
IPP:  Assam Chen, ACB, CL     Honorary PR:  Gordon Brooks  
  VPE:  Raymond Tsai, CC     Secretary:  Jessica Lin, CC  
  VPM:  Ida Lin, CC     Treasurer:  Lisa Lu  
  VPPR:  Wini Kao, ACS, CL     SAA:  Freyja Liang  

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Dear fellow members and guests,

Attached is the drafted agenda on August 11th  and please take a look. Whenever you have any questions about the agenda, please send an e-mail or give a phone call to me, and I will reply you as soon as possible.

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Dear fellow members,

The first attachment is the updated agenda of the coming meeting. Please take a look. If you have any question about the agenda, please tell me.


Raymond Tsai

Vice President of Education (2009-2010)

Formosa Toastmasters Club


TIME: 19:00-21:10 July 28th, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)  
    VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital
      No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)
      台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
    TME: Ida Lin, CC Theme: Inspiring
Proverb of the day : 90% of Inspiration is Perspiration 
Agenda of Meeting No.331
Time Program July 28, 2009 Mentor
18:50 Registration    
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Freyja Liang  
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction Libby Chuang, ACB, CL  
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Ida Lin, CC  
  Timer ViVi Lin Lotus Wu
  Ah Counter Freyja Liang Peggy Chang
  Vote Counter & Board Writer Clair Liaw Wini Kao
19:20 Joke Session Ruby Yang Wini Kao
19:35 Table Topics Session Lisa Lu Irene Chen
19:50 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
20:00 Prepared  Speech Session Ida Lin, CC  
(5-7') C5: Your Body Speaks C5: Lawrence Huang Shane Lin
(5-7') A21: Yes, You Can A21: Wini Kao, ACS, CL  
(15-20') Educational Training: Meeting Roles And Responsibility Assam, ACB, CL  
(4-6') Sharing Time     Peggy Chang, CTM, CL  
20:45 Evaluation Session - General Evaluator Charlie Chen, CC  
  *Timer Report    
(2-3') C5: Your Body Speaks Jessica Lin, CC  
(2-3') A21: The Goodwill Speech Marian Hsiao, DTM  
(5-6') General Evaluator Charlie Chen, CC  
(6-8') Language Evaluator Edward Chen, DTM  
  *Ah Counter Report    
  Quiz Time    
21:05 Closing Remarks/Award Presentation Libby Chuang, ACB, CL President
21:10 Officer Report    
21:15 Meeting Adjournment    
  President: Libby Chuang, ACB, CL   Chater President:  Richie Chan, CTM
IPP:  Assam Chen, ACB, CL     Honorary PR:  Gordon Brooks  
  VPE:  Raymond Tsai, CC     Secretary:  Jessica Lin, CC  
  VPM:  Ida Lin, CC     Treasurer:  Lisa Lu  
  VPPR:  Wini Kao, ACS, CL     SAA:  Freyja Liang  

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TIME: 7:10-9:00 p.m. July 14, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)
VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital  
      No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)
台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
    Web Site: http://formosatm.pixnet.net/blog      
New Member Induction
Time Program  
18:50 Registration Lisa Lu, Jessica Lin
19:10 Words of Welcome Assam Chen, ACB, CL
19:15 Toastmaster of The Evening Edward Chen, DTM
    - Timer Lotus Wu, Sandy Cheng
19:20 New Member Induction Marian Hsiao, DTM, Governor of District 67
New Member New Member New Member New Member New Member New Member  
Kevin Yeh Tammie Yang Stanra Chen Zoe Huang Lynn Chang Justin Liu
Lawrence Huang Vivi Lin Peri Chuang Jessica Chan Shin-Ying Tsai Jang Pam
Freyja Liang Yiming Ma Teresa Shao Joyce Lee Julie Fang Ruby Chou
William Yeh Cindy Hsu Carmen Yen Jim Jhao Kit Huang Karl Deakyne
19:55 Move our body~ Ireedyi Pureve
20:00 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
New Officer Installation
20:10 Blessing from VIPs VIPs
20:15 Installation Ceremony  
(A) Discharging Session Wini Kao, ACS, CL, Outgoing H2 Governor
  (1) Sweet Memories Assam Chen, ACB, CL
  (2) Farewell speeches of discharing officers (30'' for each)  
  (3) Farewell speech (2-3') (A11: Mastering the Toast) Assam Chen, ACB, CL
  (4) Discharge of outgoing officers  
20:50 (B) Installation Session Nora Liu, CC, Incoming H2 Governor
  (1) Installation of incoming officers  
  (2) Words from imcoming officers (30'' for each)  
  (3) Inaugural address (3-4') Libby Chuang, ACB, CL
(C) Pass down the banner of Formosa All presidents of Formosa
  (1) Blessings from past presidents (30'' for each)  
    Outgoing Officers Incoming Officers
President Assam Chen, ACB, CL Libby Chuang, ACB, CL
VPE Coral Lee Raymond Tsai, CC
VPM Wini Kao, ACS, CL Ida Lin, CC
VPPR Bella Sheu, CC Wini Kao, ACS, CL
Secretary Lotus Wu Jessica Lin, CC
Treasurer Jessica Lin, CC Lisa Lu
SAA Raymond Tsai, CC Freyja Liang
21:25 Closing Remarks Libby Chuang, ACB
21:25 Announcement  
21:30 Meeting Adjournment  

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TIME: 19:00-21:10 June 23th, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)  
VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital
  No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)
台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
TME: Sandy Cheng      Theme: Color
Agenda of Meeting No.331
Time Program June 23, 2009
18:50 Registration  
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Raymond Tsai
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction President - Assam
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Sandy Cheng
  Timer Ida Lin, CC
  Ah Counter Tammie Yang
  Vote Counter & Board Writer ViVi Lin
19:30 Table Topics Session Mirabella Chen, CC
19:40 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
19:50 Prepared  Speech Session Sandy Cheng
(4-6') C1: The Ice Breaker C1: Freyja Liang
(5-7') C4: How to Say It C4: Lisa Lu
(8-10') C10: Inspire Your Audience C10: Zoe Huang (TTU TMC)
(8-10') C10: Inspire Your Audience C10: Jessica Lin
(7-9') A20: The Entertaining Speaker - Speaking After Dinner A20: Wini Kao, ACB, CL

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TIME: 19:00-21:10 June 9th, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)  
VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital
  No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)
  台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
TME: Ruby Yang Theme: Happy Holiday 
Agenda of Meeting No.330
Time Program June 9, 2009
18:50 Registration  
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Raymond Tsai
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction President - Assam
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Ruby Yang
  Timer Freyja Liang
  Ah Counter Jessica Lin
  Vote Counter & Board Writer Lawrence Huang
19:20 Joke Session Letitia Liao
19:30 Table Topics Session Wini Kao, ACB, CL
19:40 ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥Intermission & Social Time‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥
19:50 Prepared  Speech Session Ruby Yang
(4-6') C3: John Wood with room to read C3: Sandy Cheng
(8-10') C10: Stressed and Desserts C10: David Ma, TTU
(8-10') C10: Set A Goal C10: Raymond Tsai
(7-9') A10: The Man Chasing the Thunder A10: Assam Chen, CC, CL
20:20 Evaluation Session - General Evaluator Lotus Wu
  *Timer Report  
(2-3') C3: Get to the Point Wini Kao, ACB, CL
(2-3') C10: Inspire Your Audience Shane Lin, ATM-B, CL
(2-3') C10: Inspire Your Audience Michael Liang, CTM, CL
  A10: Storytelling - Bringing History to Life Libby Chuang, ACB, CL

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TIME: 19:10-21:10 Apr. 7, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)
VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital
  No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)
  台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
TME: Peggy Chang Theme: 
Agenda of Meeting No.326      
Time Program April 7, 2009
18:50 Registration  
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Raymond Tsai
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction President - Assam
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Peggy Chang, CTM, CL
  Timer Coral Lee / Letitia Liao
  Ah Counter Laurence Lee
  Vote Counter & Board Writer Lotus Wu / Freyja
19:20 Joke  Session Ruby Yang
19:30 Table Topics Session Pettitte Chu
19:45 Intermission & Social Time  
20:00 Prepared  Speech Session Peggy Chang, CTM, CL
(4-6') The Ice Breaker C1:Lawrence Huang 
(5-7') The Best Choice C8:Jessica Lin
(5-7') C9: Persuade with Power C9: Ida Lin
(4-6') A Candy Box A8: Assam Chen

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TIME: 19:10-21:10 Mar. 24rd, 2009 (Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday)
VENUE: 1st Lecture Hall, 9th floor, Old Building, Mackay Memorial Hospital
  No. 92 Chungshan N. Road, Sec.2, Taipei   (No Admission Fee)
  台北市中山北路馬偕醫院 舊大樓9樓 第一講堂 (雙連站ShuangLian)
  TME: Lotus Wu     Theme: Organic living
Agenda of Meeting No.325
Time Program March 24, 2009
18:50 Registration  
19:00 Call the Meeting to Order Raymond Tsai
19:01 Opening Remarks / Brief Introduction President - Assam
19:10 TME Introducing the Program Lotus Wu
  Timer Laurence Lee
  Ah Counter Pamela Wang
  Vote Counter & Board Writer Pettitte Chu
19:20 Joke  Session Sandy Cheng
19:30 Table Topics Session Ruby Yang
19:45 Intermission & Social Time  
20:00 Prepared  Speech Session Lotus Wu
(5-7') C3: Get to the Point C3: Lisa Lu
(5-7') A1: The Technical Briefing A13: Shane Lin
(5-7') A17: Interpretive Reading - The Play A17: Wini Kao
20:35 Evaluation Session - General Evaluator Charlie Chen, CC
  *Timer Report  
(2-3') C3: Get to the Point Ida Lin
(2-3') A1: The Technical Briefing Edward Chen, DTM
(2-3') A17: Interpretive Reading - The Play Marian Hsiao, DTM
(5-6') General Evaluator Charlie Chen
(5-6') Language Evaluator Gordon Brooks
  *Ah Counter Report  
  Quiz Time  
21:00 Closing Remarks/Award Presentation President - Assam Chen
21:10 Officer Report  
21:15 Meeting Adjournment  

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