Dear all
Thanks for joining Formosa’s meeting tonight. I believe you all enjoyed the meeting conducted by Ruby Yang who served as the TME tonight(debute).
Congratulations that we have 2 CCs and 1 ACB tonight:
CC: Raymond Tsai
CC: David Ma
ACB: Assam Chen
Give them a big applause.
I would like to announce that we have one more new member, Vivi Lin! Welcome to join us!!!
The Best Speaker: Raymond Tsai (C10)
The Best Individual Evaluator: Libby Chuang
The Best Joke Teller: Wini Kao
The Best Table Topics Speaker: Vivi Lin
The Best Performer: Ruby Yang
Quick announcement:
1. June 13, 2009 - Funeral of Henry's mother.
2. July 14, 2009 - New member induction and new officers installation ceremony.
Assam Chen
President of Formosa TMC 2008-2009
* above is quoted from Assam's Email dated 2009/06/10