2010 Spring Conference in Taichung
“Spring’s Leaping & Dancing”
春 之 律 動
Dear fellow Toastmasters:, Welcome to 2010 Spring Conference in Taichung! After 4 preparatory meetings of Spring Conference, we are ready and we are so glad to present to you a well organized and fantastic Spring conference which will be held on April 17th & 18th ,2010 in Shinkansen Grand Hotel Taichung hotel. 歡迎蒞臨台中參加2010年春季大會!在歷經四次嚴謹的籌備會議之後,我們已經準備妥當,並且很高興地將呈獻給您一個組織完善、內容豐富的春季大會。它將在今年四月十七、十八兩日在台中新幹線花園酒店舉行。 There are several reasons for your must-go plan in Taichung. 有幾個理由,讓您非得參加此次春季大會不可: 1. This year our theme is “Spring’s Leaping & Dancing”. By reading the theme, you can get a mental image of this Spring Conference. 今年的主題是「春之律動」,您可預期我們將會有個生動活潑的大會。 2. We’ll have International Senior Vice President Ms. Pat Johnson as our special guest. We believe that everyone can benefit a lot from her tactful communication skills as well as her wisdom. 我們請到國外貴賓Johnson女士,她是國際英語演講會資深副會長,她會做一系列的演講,相信對我們助益頗多。 3. Please come to cheer up your club members for the prepared speech & Table Topic contests. They need your support to win the championships. 全國有備演講和即席演講的比賽,參賽者需要您的掌聲和支持。 4. We still prepare you some interesting, inspirational, and educational trainings (English, Mandarin, Taiwanese & Japanese). We will focus on the communication skills; High Performance Leadership & Speech Bureau will introduce themselves to us. 我們有四個時段的英文教育訓練,國、台、日語也分別準備了豐富的教育訓練。 5. You can’t afford to miss out the most thrilled moment - dinner party. There will be 10 teams for great performance. 最令人期待的晚宴和晚會節目,會有十段精采表演節目,請大家共襄盛舉。 6. The registration fee for early birds is only NT1, 750 only. We encourage you to join the two-day event because you can get more for less. The early bird registration will start from Feb. 23rd, 2010 to April 6th, 2010. We also provide you several optional packages to fit into your busy schedule. 參加大費之費用合理。優惠期間,每人全程參與兩天,只要台幣一千七百五十元。過了優惠期,需要台幣兩千兩百元。優惠期自二月二十三日至四月七日截止。另外我們也備有各種套裝行程,讓忙碌的您有所選擇。 7. Great venues. reasonable accommodations & easy parking. This hotel was just opened in January; it’s brand new and very clean. We also provide you with colorful and changeable spot lights and acoustic stereo system. A two-bed room only cost you NT$2,200. The hotel can only reserve 60 rooms for us. So, if you want to have a good deal of your staying, be the early birds. They also provide us over 100 ground parking lots and indoor parking space. 全新的場地/物超所值的住宿以及容易停車。新幹線花園酒店甫於今年元月開幕,燈光、音響一流,兩人房只要兩千兩百元,遠低於市價,但只保留六十間房給會員們,要訂要快,以免向隅。另備有超大室內、外停車場。 8. You can take your family to enjoy wonderful sightseeing. The famous scenic spots like: The National Science Museum, The Art Museum, Luce Chapel of Tunghai University, The night market of Fang Cha University, Ha Yu Harbor…etc. 附近台中有太多風景名勝,在暮春之際,很適合帶全家到處走走。例如:科學博物館、美術館、東海大學路思義教堂、逢甲大學夜市、哈漁碼頭…等等 9.The number of your dinner table will be assigned according to your registration order. Our policy is “First come, first serve!” So, if you want to clearly enjoy those amazing & hot shows, you had better take your action quickly. We can only accommodate 50 tables in the main hall, if you are number 501, you may have the seat in another room. To have a better seat, why not act now. 我們安排晚宴桌次的順序,是按照報名順序之先後,早報名者可清楚觀賞晚會表演,且大廳只能容納五十桌,若超過人數,可就得在偏廳用餐,您會覺得遺憾的! So, be the early birds. Register as soon as possible to have your rights kept. Join us now, you won’t regret! For the details, please check in our district official website for 2010 Spring Conference. 綜上所述,請儘早報名,好好享受您該有的權益!請現在加入,以免向隅!更多詳情,請參看2010春季大會官方網站 http://www.toastmasters.org.tw/clubs/newcentury-bi/2010springweb/index.html。 We wish you a very prosperous Tiger Year to come! Look forward to seeing you soon in Taichung! 謹祝虎年行大運!我們台中見!
Sincerely invited by Vickie Chang 張永維, Chair, Div. B Governor Jim Chiu 邱垂珍, Chair, Div. I Governor Guan Zun Wu吳恭讓, Chair, Div. F Governor Joy Tsai, 蔡嬌燕C. E. O. of 2010 Spring Conference (代表執筆) with Committee members of 2010 Spring Conference 暨2010春季大會全體委員敬邀 |